
Monday, January 23, 2012


When it comes to the controlling of pests in the home and garden, there are a number of ways you could choose to accomplish your goal. One is to use smelly and often toxic sprays and chemicals to get rid of the bugs from around your home. In most cases today, however, homeowners are aware of the danger this can pose to the health of residents in the home. Fortunately, there is another option to controlling unwanted guests in your home and garden. A few natural remedies for controlling pests, particularly insects, will be explained here.

You probably are not aware of the pest-controlling attributes of aluminum foil. There is no complicated or unexpected feature of the common household object, but bugs obviously do not enjoy running into a scrap of metal as they dig through the soil. Therefore, all you need to do is mix strips of foil with your garden mulch. This will not harm your plants in any way. You can also toss a few mothballs into your flowerbeds to keep cats, dogs and rodents away. Black pepper is another one of the useful natural remedies for controlling pests without using chemicals in your garden. Sprinkle flour mixed with pepper around your plants and the bugs will no longer be so eager to feast on your plants.

As for inside your home, you may have a bug problem due to the tempting cat or dog food dishes left out. A simple solution is to place a ring of baking soda around the dish. It will not harm your pet, though the bad taste will not have them tempted to eat it anyway, and the bugs will lose their appetite as well. Vinegar is another of the natural remedies for controlling pests that you can safely use in your home. Fill an old jar halfway with apple cider vinegar. Punch holes in the lid so fruit flies tempted by the scent can get inside, but not back out.

These simple solutions are great ways to help control the pest problem in your home without using harmful chemicals that can be dangerous to pets and children. Now, instead of reaching for the bug spray or calling the exterminator to rid you of your uninvited insect guests, you can deter them naturally. Use these natural remedies for controlling pests to maintain a healthy, bug-free home. For more information on how to control pests, naturally visit:

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